Elegant dressing room

  • Elegant dressing room
  • Design, Elegant dressing room
Elegant dressing room
Elegant dressing room

Here is an elegant dressing room made in neoclassical style. Distinctive features of neoclassicism are elegance, lightness, straightforwardness, as well as respectability. Furniture, doors, wall decor in the dressing room are made of natural wood. Natural wood parquetry used as a floor covering harmoniously completes this interior. Effectively organized dressing room space allows to scan at a glance all the outfits. It is easy to hang things by color, purpose or sets in convenient cabinets made of natural wood. Those things that are still waiting for their time may be put into convenient closed modules.

Elegant dressing room

Project review

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  • Windows
  • Textile
  • Wood
  • Stone
  • Design